How it feels ? ? ?
I dont know how much effectively i can express this,still am giving a try.This is all about love & hearts,2 of it.When i heard this story i felt like its touching , or rather i can't judge which is right and which is wrong.The person i am refering here is an old friend of mine whom i met very recently,after a long time say a 4 years.It was by chance i met him,at a marriage party.He is a cool guy,with a charm,But he never had a girl friend.He used to say "dude love must happen,and it aint near me yet ".I asked him about his college life and all ,after a few minutes talk i felt like he is bit sad.I asked why?So the story or my question starts from here.
He is an engineer now,working in a good company.During his engg life to be exact towards the end of second year he felt an attraction towards a girl.Initially he didnt care , but as time passed he felt like its very serious.One day he proposed to her all of a sudden . He laughed when he said this to me but i sensed a pain in his eyes.Sorry for my interpretations in between but i cant help it .Story continues,she never expected a move like that from a guy like him,so it was a shock.But the relationship grew to level that both of them became good friends in fact thick friends.But it was all momentry because college days end soon.In between some thing happened like they slipped into an untold relationship,in which both know they love eachother.
But the fact is true that man proposes and god disposes.Both knew very well that nothing positive is going to happen.One day something happened which ruined their complete hope.They love each other but they restricting themselves due to their love to family, love to the counter part whatever. . . . blah blah...he said a lot more which i didnt listen,i am angry at both of them,why they choose the pain???god knows,i dont believe that anyone else could understand
Now my question-What they did is right OR not ???? Whatever be the reasons Y shouldnt they stand for their love,since they love each other so much. . .
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